Our funds
Below you will find the most recent performances of Olympia Capital Management's Funds.
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- Performance MTD* YTD* LTM*
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Olympia Italian Opportunities - Part A
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Olympia Italian Opportunities - Part B
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Olympia Baltic Opportunities - Part B
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Olympia Baltic Opportunities - Part C
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GAIA Immobilier - D1
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Olympia Star I (USD) Class
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Olympia Star I (EURO) Class
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Gems Low Volatility - Regular USD
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Gems Low Volatility - Regular EUR
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Gems Low Volatility - Regular CHF
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Gems Recovery USD Class
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Gems Recovery EUR Class
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Diversified Flexible Strategy - Class I USD
- 06/02/2025
- 1901,98
- 2,19 % 6,30 % 37,05 %
Diversified Flexible Strategy - Class R USD
- 06/02/2025
- 1806,39
- 2,18 % 6,25 % 36,63 %
Fixed Income Flexible Strategy - Class I USD
International bonds and other debt securities
- 06/02/2025
- 1266,24
- 0,33 % 0,62 % 4,37 %
Fixed Income Flexible Strategy - Class R USD
International bonds and other debt securities
- 06/02/2025
- 1200,25
- 0,32 % 0,56 % 3,75 %
* Performance : MTD = Month-to-date, YTD = Year-to-date, LTM = Last 12 months
Notes :
Gems Olympia UCITS Fund – Diversified Flexible Strategy : The investments underlying this financial product do not take into account European Union criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities. On January 19, 2021, the “R EUR” units (ISIN code FR0012132132) were renamed “AR EUR”, the “I EUR” units (ISIN code FR0012132140) were renamed “AI EUR”, and the minimum amount of the first subscription in these “AI EUR” units was lowered from the equivalent in Euro of 2,000,000 USD to the equivalent in Euro of 250,000 USD, and the minimum amount of subsequent subscriptions was reduced by the equivalent in Euro of 100,000 USD to one unit. For “I USD” units (ISIN code FR0012132124) the minimum amount of subsequent subscriptions has been lowered from 100,000 USD to one unit. As of January 19, 2021, the exposure of the Diversified Flexible Strategy sub-fund to the equity markets may represent up to 100% of its net assets, whereas previously the FCP’s prospectus indicated that: “The exposure of the Sub-fund to the equity markets is limited to 80% of its net assets. At least 20% of the net assets of the Sub-Fund will be exposed to debt securities and / or money markets. “
Gems Olympia UCITS Fund – Fixed Income Flexible Strategy : The investments underlying this financial product do not take into account European Union criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities. On January 19, 2021, the “I EUR” units (ISIN code FR0012132207) were renamed “AI EUR”, and the minimum amount of the first subscription in these units was lowered from from the Euro equivalent of USD 2,000,000 to the Euro equivalent of USD 250,000, and the minimum amount of subsequent subscriptions has been reduced from the Euro equivalent of USD 100,000 to one unit; for “I USD” units (ISIN code FR0012132181), the minimum amount for subsequent subscriptions has been reduced from 100,000 USD to one unit. In addition, the financial management fees and external administrative costs are lowered for the units “I EUR” (ISIN code FR0012132207), “I CHF” (ISIN code FR0012132223) “I USD” (ISIN code FR0012132181), from 1.30% including tax per year maximum to 1.20% including tax per year maximum.
Olympia Italian Opportunities : The investments underlying this financial product do not take into account European Union criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities.
Olympia Baltic Opportunities : The investments underlying this financial product do not take into account European Union criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities.
GAIA Immobilier : The investments underlying this financial product do not take into account European Union criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities.
Gems Progressive Fund SICAV : The investments underlying this financial product do not take into account European Union criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities. As of June 1, 2015, all liquid assets of the Low Volatility Portfolio Sub-Fund of the Gems Progressive Fund (GPF) SICAV were transferred to the Olympia Low Volatility Sub-Fund (formerly named Olympia Star Lux) of the Olympia Lux SICAV. In exchange, the Low Volatility Portfolio Sub-Fund of the GPF SICAV received shares issued by the Olympia Lux SICAV. Since this operation approved by the CSSF, the Low Volatility Portfolio Sub-Fund of the GPF SICAV became a feeder fund of the Olympia Low Volatility Sub-Fund.
Olympia Lux SICAV : The investments underlying this financial product do not take into account European Union criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities.
Information note for unitholders of the French FCPs ALTIPRO MASTER FUND SP (ISIN code: FR0010745117), ALTIPRO SP (ISIN code: FR0010745125), ALTIPRO II SP (ISIN code: FR0010745133), ALTIPRO III SP (ISIN code: FR0010745141) and ALTIPRO PLUS SP (category A units ISIN code: FR0010745091 and category B units ISIN code: FR0010745109) hereinafter the “Fund”. We inform you that BNP Paribas Securities Services, which acts on behalf of the Funds as custodian and custodian bank, centralizer of subscription or redemption orders, responsible for the accounting management of the Funds (accounting, calculation of the net asset value ) and registrar, will merge with its parent company BNP Paribas. The effective date of the merger is scheduled for October 1, 2022, subject to ongoing local consultations with social partners in certain countries. As a result of the merger, BNP Paribas, in its capacity as universal successor to BNP Paribas Securities Services, will become, on the date of the merger, depositary bank and custodian, centralizer of subscription or redemption orders, responsible for the accounting management of the Funds (accounting, calculation of the net asset value) and registrar of the Funds. The merger will not affect the functions and operations set up by Olympia Capital Management S.A. and carried out by BNP Paribas. The operational and service model deployed by BNP Paribas will remain unchanged, as will the contact details of the depositary in France. The new prospectuses of the Funds, which come into effect from 01/10/2022, are available on request from the Marketing department of Olympia Capital Management S.A. at the following address: Olympia Capital Management S.A. / Marketing department – 41, avenue George V 75008 Paris- France or at the following e‐mail address: marketing@olympiagroup.com”.