Regulatory information - Mediator
Please refer to the document “Regulatory Information – Mediator, February 2020” for more details on Olympia Capital Management’s policies in terms of :
I. Client compliant management policy – Mediator
In accordance with the Instruction AMF 2012-07
II. Identification, prevention and management of conflicts of interest policy
In accordance with the article 313-23 of the AMF General Regulation
III. Report on brokerage fees
In accordance with the article 314-82 of the AMF General Regulation
IV. Voting policy
In accordance with the article 314-100 of the AMF General Regulation
V. Selection policy for market intermediaries
In accordance with the articles 314-72 and 314-75-1 of the AMF General Regulation
VI. ESG Criteria policy
In accordance with the décret d’application 2012-132 and with the “AFG Best Practice Guide”
VII. Remuneration policy (UCITS and AIF regulation)
VIII. Shareholder engagement policy