The group

Olympia Capital Management S.A. (“Olympia”) is a French investment management company, authorized and regulated by the French AMF and headquartered in Paris. Founded in 1989, Olympia is specialized in asset management and offers a full range of funds, customized solutions and advisory services to institutional investors, such as thematic real estate funds, the creation and management of dedicated portfolios, a range of alternative funds of funds as well as UCITS funds, managed using a flexible multi-faceted proprietary methodology, combining both discretionary and systematic elements.

In 2014, Olympia Capital Management was acquired by Gems, an alternative  asset management group active since the mid-80’s.  Gems concentrated and merged most of its activities and fund management with Olympia Capital Management, forming the  Olympia Group which has an international presence with offices in several financial centers.

The Gems Group of Companies is also active in various other ventures including Gaia Real Estate Holdings, a real estate asset manager based in New York, in Excem Real Estate Holdings, a real estate asset manager based in Madrid as well as other undertakings, including financial technology.

Our Teams

The Olympia Group has a team of highly experienced professionals, working together within the group since several years.

The Management Team

Mr. Sergio Heuer has joined the group in May 2011 as Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer of Olympia. After his arrival at the Olympia Group, Mr. Heuer has successfully implemented the company’s transition from primarily an investment manager of alternative liquid investments to other financial products such as thematic real estate funds and UCITS funds.

Mr. Johannes van Eek, Chief Financial Officer of Olympia Group joined the group in July 2011.

Our teams

Our teams have on average more than 20 years of experience in finance, asset management or in their specific areas of expertise and have worked together within the Olympia Group for 10 years or more. Our teams are organized within different Departments, whose managers are :

  • Investment Management: Mr. Sergio Heuer, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Chief Investment Officer
  • Operations: Mr. Nicolas Gilbert, Chief Operating Officer
  • Risk Management: Mr. Romain Belair, Head of Risk Management and Quantitative Analysis
  • Compliance: Mr. Eric Boulanger, Chief Compliance Officer
  • Business Development: Ms. Anne-Marie Béziat, Advisor to the CEO & Mr. Michel Ghatan, Director
  • Marketing: Ms. Stéphanie Visayze, Head of Marketing
  • Finance & Administration: Mr. Johannes van Eek, Chief Financial Officer
  • Information Technologies: Mr. Michaël Matignon, IT Manager



Key dates

  • 2018-2020

    Olympia launched several dedicated funds investing in real estate markets in different countries (United States, Eastern European countries, Italy).

  • 2016

    Launch of the Olympia Italian Opportunities Fund, a French FCP investing in the Italian real estate market.

  • 2015

    Launch of the real estate funds : the Olympia Baltic Opportunities Fund and GAIA Immobilier, two French FCPs investing respectively in the Estonian and American real estate markets.

  • 2014

    The Gems group acquires the Olympia group. Launch of the Gems Olympia UCITS Fund, with two compartments: the “Flexible Diversified Strategy” and the “Flexible Fixed Income Strategy”.

  • 2011

    Launch of the first liquid alternative portfolio, managed on the basis of the AlphaBeta program (proprietary investment methodology).

  • 2002

    Gems opened an office in London and launched the Gems Progressive Fund – Recovery Portfolio.

  • 1995

    Launch of the low volatility portfolio Gems Progressive Fund – Low Volatility Portfolio.

  • 1991

    Launch of Olympia Star I Ltd, the first multi-strategy fund of hedge funds managed by Olympia Capital Management.

  • 1989

    Olympia Capital Management was founded. Launch of domestic mutual funds dedicated to institutional investors. The Olympia group has a multi-manager approach on the French market.

  • Mid-80's

    The Gems Group was founded.

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